Our new overview catalogue
Filed in Catalogues, News | Posted by Georg Veit on 14th July 2016

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Take a look at our brand new overview catalogue.
The entire GUNT programme – versatile and comprehensive.
Five programme areas have been developed and proven for the major fields of engineering education that don’t just show products, but also provide valuable advice and information. The content is structured based on the curriculum.
With GUNT´s 6th programme area 2E ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT, we are assuming the responsibility of ensuring principles of sustainability and holistic thinking are firmly positioned in engineering education.
This catalogue provides a quick overview of more than 650 units from all available GUNT programme areas.
So that you can get there faster, you will find a QR code for each programme area directing you to the respective information page in the online catalogue.
Here, you will find pictures, product descriptions and specifications. You can also download datasheets and further background information as pdf files if you wish.